With the holidays over and done with, Project Whimsy was forced to take a little time to reflect and regroup. That doesn't mean the painting and creating has slowed down (quite the opposite!), but that does mean I have only been signing-up for one or two events each month. There has been a lot of stuff I can't wait to share with everyone, but in the meantime, I hope to see ya'all at the events I am still participating in. The next one is tomorrow, Sunday 23rd, in Tempe. 6th Street Market is always a lot of fun, but this weekend it's all about pups! You know how much animals mean to me, so I can't wait to see all those wagging tails. So cute!
The best way to stay up-to-date with everything whimsical is to follow Project Whimsy on Instagram, Facebook, and/or Twitter. Through these channels, I will announce new event dates as they are added, share behind the scenes photos/videos, and promote my latest projects. As always, stay whimsical!
